How to deal with Grief

Death is the most harrowing experience we went through. Sooner or later we will suffer the loss of someone close, can be a friend, a lover, a close relative. In our culture, speak and think very little about death. So do not learn to cope with bereavement: how we feel, what we do, what is "normal" case - and accept it.

Grief is a process that occurs immediately after the death of someone we love. There is a unique feeling, but a set of feelings and emotions that requires time to be digested and resolved and that can not be rushed, each of us has an "emotional time" that must be respected. Although we are individuals with our own characteristics, the way we experience the grief is very similar in most cases.

Talking about the grief remains to some extent, to be taboo. Moreover, we are almost always difficult to address the issues surrounding the death. But speaking of grief is much more than talk about the physical loss of someone we love. It is possible to experience grief at the end of a marriage, a situation of serious illness or after an accident whose consequences involve some form of disability. Sooner or later, all people have to deal with grief - and may do so on a more or less adjusted.

We know that grief is different from person to person. There is a “normal” way to mourn. Each person may experience different emotions, often combined in a kind of devastating turmoil. Emotional states can range from denial, sadness, anger, confusion, despair and even guilt.

In some cases, this suffering is reflected in a series of physical manifestations that include sleep problems, appetite changes, service outages and body aches.

The period of mourning may also vary from person to person - in some cases, this process can involve several months, but there are also people who reach the acceptance and adaptation only after some years.

Dealing with bereavement involves primarily:

Being able to express the emotions clearly; It is important to accept that all the feelings associated with loss is normal. Some people repress the expression of their thoughts and their feelings for fear that their relatives and friends can judge them. So if someone asks "How are you?" Have the courage to say how you feel.

Organize your thoughts; Write regularly (in a notebook, a diary, a blog, etc.) It is a therapeutic way of dealing with your loss. Focus on recognition and acceptance of their feelings. Reread what you wrote before and find that, over time, changes appear. This activity will help you to realize that all emotions are "normal" and that its intensity gradually decreases.

Facing memories; Sooner or later comes the confrontation with potentially uncomfortable situations. Escaping the activities that they do remember the person who lost will not help. Give yourself the opportunity to plan these activities and accept setbacks. Reviewing photographs, letters or postcards is part of mourning.

Postpone major decisions or changes; In the midst of pain, may become difficult to maintain the needed insight to decision-making, such as moving house or other changes involving financial commitments. Failing to postpone decisions, seek advice from family and friends.

Health care, our physical health goes hand in hand with emotional health and therefore, more than ever, it is essential to a careful diet, maintain good sleep and hygiene. In addition, regular physical exercise can relieve anxiety.

Seek help, There are people for whom the passage of time does not imply any change, much less relief. If you feel stuck in a loss, you may be at risk for depression and you should seek expert help.

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