Epilepsy is a situation characterize for the existence of anomaly crises, that persist to repeat end start from pathologic brain charges, that not necessary associated to a mental deficit.
The crises can be generalised or focal.
On the generalise crises all the brain is the start point for the charges, being the most common the Convulsions and Absents.
In the Convolutions there are several stadiums:
In the beginning the young child stays hard and falls with no conscience; it mite lose his breadth and stays with purple lips and with a dark colour.
In the next stage they can shake, dribble, urinate themselves and have a noisy breath. In this stage they can bite their thong and hurt themselves if they are closer to hard objects.
After there is a period, more or less log, of sleep that the brain recovers, and when the child awakes doesn’t have any conscience of having the crises.
In the Absents there is a break on the activities or a imperfect continuation of the same; the way they look to others looks vague and they don’t respond if someone talks to them. However they can blink and shake their heads for a brief moment, and some minutes later they can return to their activity with out realising what happen to them.
It is important to alert the family and the doctor.
What shod the professor do when children have a crisis?
1) Keep calm during the crises, because it is not possible to do something to stop it;
2) Observe what happens to tell to the family or doctor after the crises;
3) Avoid obstacles were the child can hearth themselves:
4) Open the shirt neck our seatbelt to facilitate the circulation:
5) Put between the teeth a folded scarf, to prevent them to bite the thong;
6) Call an ambulance is the crisis takes more then 15 to 20m:
Situations that can provoke an Epileptic attack
1) Lose nights or wake up very sudden;
2) :A very strong felling of anxiety and situations of very strong fear and sadness;
3) The consume of alcohol can produce secondary effects, that later on can provoke an attack;
4) Eat or drink in excess specially at night time;
5) Stay a long time in very noise places, with very intense and intermittent lights;
6) Watch TV, special when the light is intermittent, or the subtitles and the imaged is not very fixing.
The most frequent cause for the reappear of the Epilepsy attacks is the irregular or non administration of the medication prescribed against Epilepsy.
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