Headache is one of the most common symptoms in medicine, is one of the most frequent complaints of consultations with clinicians, pediatricians and neurologists, physical therapists specializing in osteopathy, chiropractic and acupuncture specialists and dentists in Temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain and one of the most common reasons absence from work.

Headache is a universal symptom in humans. It is estimated that 90 to 100% of people will have some type of headache throughout life.

The headaches are divided into primary and secondary schools.

The most common primary headaches are migraine, tension-type headache, and cluster headache.

Other less common forms of primary headache include migraine continues, new daily persistent headache, stress headache, cough headache, cold stimulus headache, chronic paroxysmal hemicranianic.

Headache experts also generally treat facial pain, such as trigeminal neuralgia, atypical facial pain.

Secondary headaches are those caused by some other disease, such as brain tumors, head trauma, meningitis, stroke, hydrocephalus, and aneurysms.

Headaches can be divided into primary or idiopathic are those that have a cause or origin of its own.

The headaches that stem from other causes or diseases are called secondary headaches. These may have to do with problems with the nervous system, the level of the cranial sacral system (meninges, etc.). Or have to do with problems in some part of the body.

A secondary headache is such that you acquire when you have the flu, this being the cause of the headache.

The tension headaches are the most frequent and are felt as a heaviness, tightness, or mill, either at the front or in the neck or even on top of the head. The headache is often associated with fatigue, nervous system disorders, restlessness, depression, awkward postures, stress, too much noise, etc.. Sometimes there are too muscular tension level of the shoulders and neck, and can last hours or days.

A migraine headache is a strong or very strong that normally appears periodically and is normally pulsating or throbbing. Any movement of the head usually worsens as the physical or mental efforts. Often find only one side of the head and are usually accompanied by intolerance to light and noise and are often accompanied by vomiting.

The people suffering from this problem seek a dark, quiet place where they can rest or sleep. Migraines are usually a crisis that may last hours or days during which the person is completely to the ground and unable to function normally.

Sometimes there are so-called migraine with aura in which the person has impaired vision, as loss of vision on one side, blurring of images, sensations of bright lines, luminous dots or figures or even numbness or tingling in the face or the hand.

Unfortunately there is no medical examination to determine the causes of migraines.

The medical solutions are usually the same analgesic or anti-inflammatory.

However, the only medication used to control seizures and not to address the causes as they still do not know what they are.

However, and by observation of some people who suffer from these problems, to detect problems with the body and cranial sacral system that once corrected, substantially improve the crises and frequency of migraines and headaches.

A menstrual migraine is one that significantly decreases or disappears when correcting problems in body and cranial sacral system.

The other headaches, they disappear when it is correct because the causes giving rise to them.

But sometimes correct the body and cranial sacral system is not enough because sometimes there is also work those emotional factors that sometimes lie behind these problems.

This is often the reason for many failures in addressing the causes behind headaches and migraines. Is that there are few professionals who have training and sensitivity to detect and correct problems with the body and cranial sacral system and even less those who work together emotional factors that often exist behind these problems.